What is Golf Biomechanics? And Why Should You Care?

I know what you’re thinking.

“I came here to play golf. Why ruin the fun with biomechanics?”

Hear me out. Golf biomechanics can be the very thing that propels your game to the next level.

Generally speaking, biomechanics is the study and application of the mechanical structures, processes, and motions within a biological system.  

More specifically, golf biomechanics takes these principles and applies them to the way golfers move and function to optimize the golfer’s athleticism relative to their unique anatomical features.

And that’s exciting because . . . ?

Because every twist, turn, and swing determines whether you ace it or airmail it, and that matters.

Leave it up to chance, and chance will rule your game.

Leave it up to biomechanics, and the golfer regains maximum control of the outcome.

Leave it up to chance, and chance will rule your game. Leave it up to biomechanics, and the golfer regains maximum control of the outcome.
- Ambrose Coleman

The golf swing is highly complex. Every golfer’s anatomy and athleticism must be primed to execute such a biomechanically advanced movement—flexible enough, strong enough, and powerful enough to generate GSA (“golf-specific athleticism”) repeatedly.

We’re talking bending, weight-shifting, turning, rotating, extending, side-bending, flexing, and pivoting to produce force against the ground, at maximum velocity, with minimum wasted energy.

Here’s the bottom line: the more athletic the anatomy, the more efficient the swing.

What Seems to Be the Problem?

The problem is, you’re human.

Etched into your muscles and bones are the memories of a life well-lived, poor posture, old and new chronic injuries, and surgeries. Combine that with sporadic exercise and you’ve got the perfect recipe for muscle imbalances and limited mobility.

In addition to that, I guarantee you’ve also developed quite a few habits on the golf course as a result of tips from your well-meaning, back-seat-golfer buddies—not all good ones, either. By now, your muscles are well trained to perform exactly as you’ve taught them to throughout the years, and practice makes permanent.

(Don’t despair just yet. It gets better, I promise.)

By now, your muscles are well trained to perform exactly as you’ve taught them to throughout the years, and practice makes permanent.
- Ambrose Coleman

In general, most golfers have muscle imbalances. Over time, that dreaded limited mobility wreaks havoc on every aspect of the golfer’s profile, robbing you of much-needed balance, coordination, and energy.

Now, before you begin to feel like a complete duffer, let’s set some things straight:

You’re not the exception.

Here are some facts:

  • EVERY athlete—no matter their sport, age, or level—has muscle imbalances.
  • Muscle imbalances CAN be neutralized.
  • Every athlete must get their body out of and into specific movement patterns and joint angles unique to their sport, which is Biomech 101. Muscle imbalances make this process more challenging.

70% of all golfers have issues that lead to limitations in their golf swings.

No. Before you ask—we can’t exchange your arms for shiny bionic ones that’ll swing you all the way to the Golfer’s Hall of Fame.

We can do better.

We take a more sophisticated, scientific, and thorough approach that guarantees you stand on the carpet with a truckload of newfound confidence, bringing your A-game to every play.

70% of all golfers have issues that lead to limitations in their golf swings.
- Ambrose Coleman

Where Science Meets Golf

Can science be used to maximize the effectiveness of every swing?

Yes. 100%. And we’ve got the numbers to prove it.

At IGP LAB, we calculate your numbers and convert them into meaningful, visible strategies. Talk about a real game-changer!

Our kinesiologists start by collecting verifiable data. Since numbers don’t lie, we use them to analyze every aspect of your capabilities.

Data enhances our kinesiologist’s ability to quickly and accurately troubleshoot the root causes of common strengths and weaknesses within golfers’ profiles.

No two golfers are the same; therefore, we customize every golfer’s protocol based on their specific data, to accelerate results. Then we hold them accountable by re-testing every two to four weeks.

Our biomechanics lab provides golf coaches (in-house coaches and outside coaches) to give tremendous insight into your capabilities and development trajectory. This equips you with a clear understanding of your unique toolbox.

What we do:

  • Biomechanical Assessment
  • Anatomy and athleticism training
  • Anatomy therapy

The tools we use:

  • Technology-driven analysis
  • 3D Posture-and-motion analysis
  • Digital range-of-motion analysis
  • Flexibility analysis
  • Strength analysis
  • Power analysis
  • Muscular imbalance analysis
  • Sports performance training and analysis
  • Explanation of analysis
  • Customized anatomy and athleticism protocols
  • Monitor and track progress year-around

Old Dog. New Tricks

With this proven method, we’re able to measure muscular and golf-movement functions and performance. Our technology can discern efficient golf performance from muscular imbalances and movements causing inefficiency in force production, limitations in ROM, and flexibility, balance, and strength loss.

These tests provide a golf coach with tremendous insight into a golfer’s anatomy and athleticism capabilities.

You might ask, “Isn’t golf-movement screening enough?”

It is if you just want to scratch the surface and play for fun.

Biomechanical assessment goes ten levels deeper, providing specific data, using metrics to identify and solve issues quickly, and optimizing your capabilities.

You might ask, “Isn’t golf-movement screening enough?” It is if you just want to scratch the surface and play for fun.
- Ambrose Coleman

We want to help you clean up those pesky, hard-to-break habits, allowing you to quickly and effectively change the appearance and functionality of your golf swing.

Still don't know how it works?

We get it. Anything that ends with -'ologist' or 'lytics' can be confusing.

Our kinesiologists (oops, we said it again!) offer professional advice and can personalize a plan to guarantee improvement for you, no matter your age or level.

Don’t think twice—get your head in the game.
Contact us and book your assessment today!

Ambrose Coleman
Director of Biomechanics & Kinesiology
About Us
We provide a holistic approach with a Team of Experts working together under one roof: Coaching, Club-Fitting, Fitness and Health.

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