Why Professional Golfers Train with Kinesiologists

In the age of the internet, we’ve replaced living and breathing professionals with Tik-Tok golfing tips and YouTube videos titled “Five Ways to Improve Your Game.” If you’ve tried some of that advice, we get it—who wouldn’t want to become a pro golfer in eight weeks or perfect their golf swing in their sleep?

Don’t get us wrong; we love it when professionals share their knowledge. The problem begins when unprofessional advice and marketing gimmicks cause naïve golfers to kick off professional help like an old shoe.

Isn’t it enough to get advice from a professional golfer? Or from a variety of different professionals in the industry?

You can. It’s not a bad idea. The problem is the lack of connection between everyone’s expert opinions and your personal outcomes, which only results in disappointment and frustration on the course.

We still need kinesiologists. They are the experts in the biomechanical processes of the body, so who better to ask advice from when it comes to your body’s performance?

If you still don’t see the need for kinesiologists, grant us a minute to persuade you differently. Here are a few reasons why kinesiologists are the hidden heroes behind every great golfer. You’ll thank us later.

Survival of the “Fitness”

When you first visit a kinesiologist, you might come in with your chest puffed up, confident in your years of knowledge of a variety of cherry-picked techniques, routines, and strategies.

But after spending a few minutes in the analysis lab, you might find yourself deflated. Perhaps many of the well-meant tips you were given were not only unhelpful, but also damaging . . .

We’re not saying this to discourage you, but to open your eyes to the limitless potential and the benefits kinesiology can bring to your game. Because when we know better, we do better.

An educated kinesiologist won’t butter you up to empty your pockets, but will tell you the truth and develop a specific plan for your level of fitness.

An educated kinesiologist won’t butter you up to empty your pockets, but will tell you the truth and develop a specific plan for your level of fitness.
- Ambrose Coleman

The first step is to assess, and you can’t do that by shooting in the dark. A kinesiologist will separate fiction from fact to determine your body’s abilities by taking a data-based approach. With 3D-motion-analysis technology and force platforms, they can measure muscle flexibility, balance, mobility, coordination, strength, speed, and power.

A golfer’s fitness level is also directly linked to their ability to move the club, and healthier muscles protect joints from increased stress and strain.

Think of a kinesiologist as Superman, using x-ray vision to see through the exterior and locate the hidden problematic areas. After such an in-depth look, you will leave with a better picture of your strengths and where you need to improve.

A Holistic Approach

Golf-fitness trainers usually focus on current trends, which may or may not be effective for you. A kinesiologist aims to bring stability to your body, to enhance your capabilities and produce a more consistent ball pathway.

Most golfers do not have suitable training routines in place and need actionable ones developed for them. In contrast, some golfers have consistent training routines in place, but they are impaired by haphazard training methods.

Professional kinesiologists compare individual golfers’ abilities to fingerprints—every golfer has one, but no two are the same. Each golfer’s physical strengths, weaknesses, and limitations are considered. Your athletic background, injury history, swing habits, practice regimen, fitness level, and even your lifestyle and career pursuits are all taken into account.

Let’s take swing flaws as an example: assuming that every golfer swings the same would be completely ignoring each individual’s biology and tendencies. We are all different in nature, and our differences need specific attention.

Kinesiologists have proven that sustainable golf-swing form, function, and force can only come from a holistic approach that fills in the gaps with knowledge, catapulting your overall performance higher than ever!

Professional kinesiologists compare individual golfers’ abilities to fingerprints—every golfer has one, but no two are the same.
- Ambrose Coleman

Science-Based Training

Golf training should not be based on passing fads or guessing games. Kinesiologists take real data and leverage that information to develop a training plan in which you can be confident.

Here is what Integrity Golf Performance specializes in:


We leverage the most innovative technology on the market—the same technology used by elite sports teams and pro athletes—to ensure our golfers have a clear edge.

Force Plate Analysis

We measure how effectively or ineffectively golfers use the ground to generate strength, speed, and power. We can pinpoint imbalances and engineer a training plan to optimize speed and power efficiency.

3D Movement Analysis

We measure muscle extensibility (the ability of the muscle to be stretched). Muscle extensibility combines flexibility, joint alignment, and range of motion. Muscles need to be the right length to establish flexibility.

Strength Plate Analysis

We measure muscle activation and muscle balance. Muscles need to activate at the right time to produce the right magnitude of force to control and protect joints. We can quickly assess cause and effect to optimize muscle performance and accelerate recovery.

Digital Goniometer Analysis

We measure flexibility and mobility behavior quickly and easily. This device creates objective data and is the most accurate tool to monitor muscle length, joint range of motion, and joint stability.

A kinesiologist aims to bring stability to your body, to enhance your capabilities and produce a more consistent ball pathway.
- Ambrose Coleman

Kinesiologists to the Rescue!

At Integrity Golf Performance, our kinesiologists are the best of the best. Their collective background is robust, with a combined 30 years of experience serving more than 14,000 athletes across a wide scope of sports in both clinical and performance settings. You will find a variety of certifications among them:

  • TPI Level 1 Certified
  • Certified Sports Athletic Trainer
  • Certified Sports Injury Specialist
  • Certified Back Rehab Specialist
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • American College of Sports Medicine
  • Nationally Certified Youth Fitness Specialist
  • Biomechanics
  • Exercise Science
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Kinesiology

We can accommodate almost every golfer’s needs, from beginners to pros and everyone in between: rehab and performance, nutrition and supplement consultations, and remote training programs.

Integrity Golf Performance uses innovative technology to create live data so that golfers can visualize their muscle function, flexibility, strength, speed, and power.

The Integrity Golf Performance LAB provides accurate and scientific insight through:

  • biomechanical assessments;
  • in-house therapy or training;
  • remote training plans; and
  • reassessments and reviews.

All this data helps us create an unbiased and actionable plan for each golfer. We never send anyone home empty-handed.

At Integrity Golf Performance, we can accommodate almost every golfer’s needs, from beginners to pros and everyone in between.
- Ambrose Coleman

Plan A: Get a Kinesiologist

Most golfers know they are lacking in certain areas, but don’t know where to begin. This is where our kinesiologists come in.

Our kinesiologists will collect your data and design a complete program for you, detailing specific exercises—what to do, why it should be done, and how many times and how often to do it. In addition, we will implement regular testing to create progress reports and keep you accountable.

Need a flexible training plan? No problem. We offer tailor-made plans with options. Some golfers like to train exclusively in-house with our kinesiologists every week; others need a mixed plan, partly with us and partly in the convenience of their own homes. We also offer remote training. A golfer is invited to an initial appointment in-house, during which we collect their data; we then build them a training program complete with instructional videos—far better than TikTok!

Your very own trained kinesiologists are waiting for you.

Contact us today to schedule an assessment at your earliest convenience.

Ambrose Coleman
Director of Biomechanics & Kinesiology
About Us
We provide a holistic approach with a Team of Experts working together under one roof: Coaching, Club-Fitting, Fitness and Health.

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